International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People Association

Mezinárodní asociace divadel Pro děti a mládež

Association Internationale du Theatre pour l´Enfance et la Jeunesse


2002 – Jan Borna

The committee of the Czech Centre of ASSITEJ decided in the beginning of 2002 – that by granting a prize, they would award and symbolically recompense an exceptional artistic act or an outstanding personality in the field of the theatre for children and young people.

The first recipient of this award was Jan Borna – for his many nice productions which he had in the course of his work for the stage written and directed. He did this (and we hope will continue to do) in various theatres and with many different people. He has thus enriched not only the world of children by fantasy and imagination of his theatrical creations, but certainly has also convinced a number of his co-workers that theatre for children is not a punishment -but that it can also be a pleasure rewarded by the children’s reaction.

Jan B o r n a

Born August 25, 1960
Director, author, member of the artistic management of the Theatre at Dlouha
He is a graduate of the theory of culture at the Faculty of Films and of direction at the Faculty of Drama of the Academy of Music. He gradually was director of HaDivadlo in Brno (1985-86, the puppet theatre Drak (1989-92), of the Realistic Theatre of Pragaue (1991-92), artistic manager and director of the Dejvice theatre (1993-96) and now head of the Theatre at Dlouha (since 1996). Lovers of non-traditional genres know his name in connection with the Vizita ensemble. The repertory of the Theatre at Dlouha at present include: If the Pig had Wings, Sing, Clown, Cabaret Vian-Cami, How I Got Lost or a Little Christmas Story, the epic Excursion of Mr. Broucek into the XVth century and Mousetrap.