International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People Association

Mezinárodní asociace divadel Pro děti a mládež

Association Internationale du Theatre pour l´Enfance et la Jeunesse


2006 – Hana Hniličková – Franková

Actress, director, author, and teacher at DAMU Prague (Department of Educational Drama), also inexhaustable organizer, and truly, a lady fully devoted to theater…

After many years of her work in theater in Karlovy Vary, she became a co-founder and a main figure in the theater Divadlo Dagmar Karlovy Vary in 1993. There, she put together more than 30 productions mostly dedicated to young audience, and in many of these productions she has been co-operating with young non-actors using a studio work approach.

These plays are significant because of their powerfull topics that are being created and unveiled through young people´s own life experience, and further, because of their rich theatricality along with spontaneous playfullness (for example Král William, drama synů a dcer, Útěk do Egypta, Strašidla a krásné panny, etc.)