International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People Association

Mezinárodní asociace divadel Pro děti a mládež

Association Internationale du Theatre pour l´Enfance et la Jeunesse


International Workshop for young people

On the project of the international theatre Workshop, under the participation of seminarists from the Czech, Slovak Republic, Poland and Germany at Mostkovice, Plumlov, Prostejov , Ostrava from July 16-30, 2001.

For a number of years an International Workshop for young people from the ages of 15 to 25, is being held alternately in Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic, for the time being under the heading of “Triennial”… The year before last this creative workshop was held in Jeleni Gora, Poland, last year we participated with DIVIDLO Ostrava in Waldenburg, Germany and for the year 2001 it was the turn of the Czech Republic to organize this event.

The German and Polish organizers offered the Workshop 2001 to DIVIDLO Ostrava. Although we already have considerable experience with organizing reviews, workshops and festivals, we knew that it was primarily a question of money and of collaborators – actually partners. The first problem was partly solved by the Commission “Youth for Europe” which we succeded in obtaining, the second by the equal partnership with the Centre of Leisure Time SPEKTRUM, Prostejov.

The project of the International Theatre Workshop ” Mostkovice 2001″
Motto: “Is it possible for thinking people to offend themselves?”
Sasa Rychecky, head of drama education DDM
head of O.S. DIVIDLO
head of company DIVIDLO, Ostrava
producer of the project “Theatre WORKSHOP – Triennial 2001”