International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People Association

Mezinárodní asociace divadel Pro děti a mládež

Association Internationale du Theatre pour l´Enfance et la Jeunesse


World Day 2010

Celebration of the 2010 Theatre for Children and Young People World Day

The 20th day of March 2010  was for the tenth celebrated as the International Theatre for Children and Young People World Day.

ASSITEJ has reminded again the right of children and young people to leisure and their rights to artistic and cultural enrichment, particularly by means of theatre.

The Theatre Institute/the Czech ASSITEJ Centre,  Association for creative drama and the Club Mlejn organized a special five-day event – The Festival for celebration of the World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People held in the Theatre at Celetná and the Club Mlejn  from  20th March to 24th March 2010 . And because it was the thenth edition, the programm included a total of 28 performances performed by 23 groups. The number of visitors overcame all records and achieved nearly 3 thousands ones.

Name of performers: Cirkus Sacra, Baba Yaga, Divadlo Líšeň, Malé Vinohradské divadlo, Ty-já-tr/Načerno, Loutky bez hranic, Vyrob si své letadýlko, Kašpar, Studio Divadla Dagmar, Naivní divadlo Liberec, LDO ZUŠ Strakonice, ZUŠ Jindřichův Hradec, ZUŠ Uherské Hradiště (Babinec), Divadlo ALFA Plzeň, Divadlo Polárka  z Brna, Listování, ZŠ Školní z Bechyně, Čmukaři, Divadlo nad Labem, Bilbo compagnie a studenti KALD DAMU.

Festival had its first foreign guest in cooperation with  French Institute Prague.-  it was French ensemble Compagnie José Manuel Cano Lopez (Mama Luna – Mama Noche)